Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Huge Thanks to Cardboard Republic

A huge thanks to the Cardboard Republic for representing the Earthly Times for our MegaGame on May 24th. For awesome game reviews and game culture news, check out The Cardboard Republic. May their name be forever emblazoned on the side of a giant robot in Japan.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

China and Russia Responsible for Tentacles?

The head of the UK has accused individuals within the governments of China and Russia of causing the tentacle disaster.

Earthly Times Sponsoring Robot

The Earthly Times is proud to announce that they've teamed with Japan's Giant Mech in a sponsorship deal.

New Nation Forms

Russia, China, and their allies are combining their nations to form Pangea Prime. They are determined to use the Kitten Protocol, Operation Meow, to defeat the tentacle monster.

Brazilian Scientist Brought Aboard

The aliens have taken the Brazilian scientist aboard their vessel. Brazil is pleased to be leading first contact and first sustained contact.

Japan Leading Unified Theory Search

Japan has stated that they're spearheading an effort to discover the unified theory with the aliens. They're hoping to protect the earth from the onslaughts.

Antarctic Base Discovered

A mission launched by the US has uncovered an alien base in the antarctic.

China to Blame?

Unconfirmed government sources have cited rogue scientists in China as the cause of the tentacle monsters.

US Develops Anti-Tentacle Weapons

The US has announced that they've secretly developed a weapon to fight the beasts emerging throught the portal, but they're asking for assistance of other nations in funding and deploying the technology.

Tentacles over Japan

Reports have emerged that a large portal has opened over Japan, and a slew of tentacles have emerged.

Russia Interested in Cooperation

Russia is now reporting that, despite their initial aggression, they're interested in opening communication with the aliens.

Kim K's Alien New Outfit

Stepping out on the streets of NYC, Kim Kardashian's new look has distinct alien undertones. Could the way to peace come through fashion?

World Panic Rises

Panic is rising around the world as news of the aliens, and their activity, spreads.

Operation Chairman Meow

China has unleashed a wave of adorable kittens in response to the negativity of North Korea.

Japan Unveils Mech

Japanese Heads of State have unveiled a mech. They state that their intentions are purely defensive, but they are also willing to use their robot against any of North Korea's allies.

Response to Strange Message

In response to the strange message just issued to the nations of earth, the US is reaffirming that they have not made contact with the aliens and are committed to protecting their nation and working toward peace.

Japan and UK Lead Scientific Conference

A recent conference in the UK, headed by Japan, helped to foster development between the nations. Reports are that China did not attend.

Manga Vanishes!

Manga vanishes across the world! Are the aliens after Japan in particular? Reports have also come out surrounding large penguins.

Aliens State That They Want Peace

According to representatives from Brazil, the aliens are calling for peace. They initially thought that this planet was uninhabited.

First Contact!

Brazil has made succesful contact with the aliens, who have stated peaceful intentions. Brazil will send scientists to the alien nation to ensure the wellbeing of earth. They are hoping for peaceful talks, and have stated that the aliens were confused during the initial aggression. The aliens have stated that they've only acted in defense. Brazil welcomes the input of other nations.

Antarctic Clean

The UK has announced that their arctic cleaning has been successful.

Mech Approaches Japan

The giant mech from North Korea is currently approaching Japan. Japanese leaders intend on defending their country at all costs.

UK and France Alliance

The UK and France have also announced an alliance.

Brazil and Peru Alliance

Brazilian leaders have announced an alliance between them and Peru.

Studio Ghibli Vanishes

Reports from Japan have said that studio Ghibli is gone! Ghibli lovers around the world have confirmed the information.

USA Alleged Swindle of Koreas?

Secret diplomatic relations between USA and N. Korea have recently come to surface. Through black wire means the Earthly Times has received a leak:

    USA has secured promise from N. Korea that it will not attack S. Korea. We are the best. Heh he hehehehehehehehehe. All right. O'Brian out.

 - O'Brian

Alien Exploitation

An anonymous official from within the US has stated that the aliens currently occupying the west coast have their eyes set on exploitation. They've been caught strip mining, and have made attempts at biological life, though no humans have been reported harmed yet.

17 Alien Hairstyles for Spring!

Look your best for the potential invasion/mission of peace!

Royal Family Sends Tea to Space

In an effort to promote peace, reports abound that the royals have sent some of their best tea to space.

China Denies Involvement in NK Robot Scandal

China has denied ever pursuing mech technology, though they have stated that they've assisted the North Koreans in the past.

Korean Mech to Invade Japan

Russia has stated that they've recently discoverd that a Korean Mecha Unit has been built for the purpose of invading Japan.

Aliens in Antarctic

Unconfirmed reports have cited aliens as the cause of the blood geysers in the antarctic. The UK thinks that this is likely, though they cannot confirm right now.

US Assisting Japan Agains Aliens

The US military leader has said that US forces are assisting Japan to maintain peace.

Alien Intelligence

The aliens are social media savvy, and this reporter would love to open a channel of communication with them. If any alien leaders are reading this, please contact me.

Blood Geysers in Antarctica

The UK is working within the UN to improve the situation in antarctica. Reports of Blood Geysers have been unconfirmed.

UN Announcement

The nations of the UN have stated that aliens exist and have landed.

Goo Be Gone?

Those continuing, unconfirmed reports of strange sightings off the coast of Ireland have slowed, but not stopped. The government has no comment. Perhaps an oil spill? Perhaps something more . . . otherworldly?

Japan and China Getting Into Fireworks?

Reports of explosions and ship movements in the Japan/China region are, according to heads of state of both nations, fireworks. The leaders back each other's stories.

Riots Break out in South Korea

Reports of riots of unknown origin have started to come in from South Korea.

UK Cleans Up Antarctic

The UK has spearheaded a cleanup in the antarctic according to their Foriegn Minister. Their focus on the environment is an extension of their focus on tech development.

Princess Charlotte's Alien Gifts

Unconfirmed sources have reported that young Princess Charlotte has been sent a delightful stuffed toy by a benevolent alien leader.

Russia Leads Peacekeeping Mission in Mexico

With permission from the US and at the invitation of Mexico, Russia has led a force to quel riots in Mexico City. The cause of the riots is, as yet, unknown. This report comes directly from the Russian Military Commander and Deputy Head of State.

Russia Develops Smart Steel

The Russian Lead Scientist has announced that they have developed smart steel. "It does everything that steel does," he says, "only smarter." I'm sure that this reporter does not need to spell out the military implications of such a finding.

US Open to Alliance

The leader of the United States has publicly stated that they are open to alliance with other nations. A powerful ally indeed! It seems that no other nation has taken them up on this offer just yet, but the US is hoping that an alliance would help futher technological development.

Earthly Times Home Base

The Earthly Times is proud to announce that we have set up HQ in the UK, the land of free speech and wonderous royalty. Not to mention lots of history and, possibly, secrets.

UK and Japan Enter Alliance

It was announced early today that the Heads of State of the United Kingdom and Japan have entered into an alliance. "Our intention is to further technology," the UK lead said. They also hope that the alliance will lead to a more peaceful world.